воскресенье, 27 июня 2010 г.

First steps when you arrive

Hello, my reader. I hope that in this article you'll find something good for yourself. When I first came to London excitement ruled me for first few weeks. But you need to be awake if you don't want to starve ...

Flat: this is very important for you. Place where you going to live will be quite expensive, for example £70-£100 per week + don't forget about deposit( when you leave you get this money back ) averagely it is 2 weeks further. So in first day you need to have on your hands(bankcard is better) about £400 to pay for rent and shit...

Transport: all you know about London taxi ... forget it. Bus and metro are your legs here. I pay for 1,2,3 zones £30.20 per week, but I just cant stand long-ass 40 minutes trip, sweating ... well you'll discover it anyway. So I prefer tube.

Food: actually it has same price, but drinks are a bit expensive. Try to save money - seriously they flow like river. So if you cook by your self (check previous updates), you easily can live on only £3-£4 per day. We used to buy food for like 3-5 days, and £20 was enough for two of us. Since 5th of March I work in a pub, so get 50 % off, but you can find a better place: pub with tips, free food, free accommodation.

Where to go in first two weeks ? Okay, mate. First of all you need to get National Insurance number, then a bank account. Second one is a bit difficult, in first time you will brainfuck your head a lot, but no worries. Lloyds TSB, but you need to be damn sure that you always have £10 on your account. Then National Insurance, you will call to JobCentrePlus. When you have a bank account, it is time to go and find yourself temporary or permanent job. Actually system of finding is very easy ...

P.S. The world is yours

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